
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2006
Cane Corso Mix
About 85 Pounds.
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2011

I came from St. Louis in sorry shape. In the first 2 weeks I was in Kansas City, my caretakers feared that I would die. I was severely malnourished and had a host of illnesses: pneumonia, tumors on my stomach, heartworms and Diskospondylitis. Diskospondylitis is an infection in the spine and I could barely walk due to the pain of my illness. I have since been treated successfully for all of my issues. I have been given a clean bill of health by the vet! I feel like a new dog! Even when I was very sick, I still had kisses for my caretakers. I love personal interaction and companionship. I am athletic and strong but calm & quiet when I am indoors. I am an imposing watchdog but am pretty mild-mannered. I need to be an ”only dog” because I wasn’t socialized well when I was a pup. Also, I need to be in a home with no cats or children under 5 years old. I am neutered and up-to-date on all my shots. I am housebroken, know the commands “sit” , “stay” and “come”. I love to go for a walk and do not pull on my leash. I'm currently in foster care. If you would like to meet me, please email doghound@att.net.

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