
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2009
Corgie Mix
About 35 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's 10/2010

Hi, I’m Herbie. I was rescued by a volunteer at M’Shoogy’s. I was running around I-29, not sure of where I was going. I just figured if I ran around someone will have the heart to take me in. I’m happy to be out of danger but I still need someone with a good heart to take me home. I'm housebroken so no worries! I’m a little shy at first but all you need to do is pet me a little and I warm up fast. However, I need to be in a home without small children. They don't understand that I need my space. If you've got no toddlers in the house, I’ll be a loyal friend.

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