
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born 2022
Pit Bull Mix
About 61 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's 9/2024

Hi, I'm Sissy. My story is the same as everyone else's. I was running around town. I was found between the skating rink and Jesse's Last Stop off of I-29. Although nobody really knows, and I won't tell, it's probably because I ran away. You see, I'm definitely a runner. Honestly, I'm also a climber. I can climb a 6-foot chain-link fence to get away. So, I'm going to need a home with a privacy fence to ensure I don't get the urge to run. The funny thing is that if I'm with someone, I pretty much stay put. I'd love to just hang out with you!

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