
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born 2011
Labradoodle Mix
About 75 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's 3/2021

Hi, my name is Abbey. Life has not been easy for me. There are a few things about me that are a challenge. I've got Cushing's Disease, I'm diabetic, and if that wasn't enough, I'm blind. I know one of those makes me hard to place, let alone all three. But, I have hope. I know there are good people in this world whose mission it is to rescue someone like me. I pray that the right person reads my story. That right person doesn't even have to worry about my medical care, or treatment; all medications and care will be provided by M'Shoogy's. All that's needed is a big heart. I pray it's you!

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