
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2015
Australian Shepherd Mix
About 66 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's 12/2020

This is sweet Buster. He lived through a horrific tragedy. Buster lost his owner in a domestic violence incident that ended in the loss of life. Buster doesn't understand the depth of this tragedy but he does understand that his life is changed. He probably wonders where she is and why he ended up at M'Shoogy's. He went from having a loving, warm, and comfortable home to living at the shelter. We make him as comfortable as we can but it doesn't compare to what he had, a home where he was given constant love and attention. Buster needs someone with a big heart, big enough to open their heart and home to help a dog that has been through so much already. Buster needs you.

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