
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born 7/2012
Poodle Mix
About 7 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogys in 7/2020

Hi, I'm Gretel. M'Shoogy's saved me and my brother Hansel (dog791). We were dumped. I know that sounds bad but really, in the shape that we were found it was probably the best thing to happen to us. You see, we were in pretty bad shape, hungry and so badly matted that we had to be shaved. It was a wonder we didn't get eaten by coyotes. But we're convinced that just means we are meant to be with you! We are bonded so we have to adopted together but I know you have enough love in your heart for the both of us! We're ready for a new start, will it be with you?

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