
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born 2/2019
Anatolian Shepherd Mix
About 75 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogys in 1/2020

Hi, my name is Sophia. I was hanging around someone's house and seemed lost so they called for me and I came right over. I was tired of being on the streets. They tried to find my owners but couldn't and their dogs weren't too happy with me being there so here I am! They reported I was very friendly and did well with their two small kids. They also said I didn't bark much either. Wow; if those aren't enough to grab your attention you need to come meet me in person. I think once you lay eyes on me you'll know I'm the one! Don't believe me? Come give me a try; you won't be disappointed, you'll be in love!

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