
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2014
American Bulldog Mix
About 90 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2016

I was picked up in Kansas and threatened to be shot by the local sheriff because I look like a possible breed ban dog. Thank goodness I was rescued; I was just a 1 year old pup. I am a gorgeous dog who loves humans and other dogs. I am living with a foster human who is training me because I’m deaf. She says I’m doing well because I know hand signals for the commands “sit”, “stop” and “come”. She also says I walk really well on a leash so you can take a leisurely stroll with me and I will not drag you. I am a little food aggressive around other dogs but my foster mom is working to train that out of me. If you think you might like to meet me, please contact my foster human at doghound@att.net.

M’Shoogy’s couldn’t accept Augie but is hoping to help him find a home.

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