
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born 7/2015
Mastiff Mix
Came to M'Shoogy's in 9/2015

I’m Stewie. I don’t know how I got there because I’m just a puppy for heaven sakes but I was found running loose on the highway by some super nice people who brought me here. I could have been hit by a car or one of those BIG trucks. I’m sort of shy at first but friendly and I will come when called and I respond to “stay”. I’m waiting for my real home and someone to teach me all sorts of things. Even though this is a nice place and I’m well taken care of I think you should come to the shelter so we can meet and you’ll see that I could be the perfect addition to your home. And did I mention that I’m super cute….how can you possibly resist that?!

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