
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born 2013
Spaniel Mix
About 52 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 7/2015

Hi, I’m Corey. You can’t see it in my picture but I’m very friendly, playful and active. I was abandoned but you’ll see that I’m still happy and lovable. I have dry eye in both eyes and because of inflammation in my right eye I’ve lost some of my peripheral vision in that one eye. I require daily eye drops. It’s really no big deal; a few drops in my eyes and I’m good to go. I hope you’ll look past my issues and see that I would make a great buddy. I would love the chance to go home with you so we can play and you’ll see that I’m eager to please. Is this our lucky day and you want to take me home with you?

Those adopting Corey could get his medication at Angel’s Vet at our cost.

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