
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2010
Beagle Mix
About 25 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 12/2014

Hi, I知 Colby. I know my picture doesn稚 show it but I知 a fun-loving little guy. I知 happy despite the fact that people have been cruel to me. I was found with a gunshot wound to my right front leg. The injury was so bad that they had to take the whole leg. Even though I知 3-legged, I get around great! I love going for walks but because I tend to want to get around I need a fenced yard where I can稚 escape. I also need a home with no cats or small kids. Even if life has been tough, there is no sense in being bitter; I知 focused on my future with a loving person. Will it be you?

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