
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2013
Husky Mix
About 56 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 8/2014

Hi, my name is Ted. I was brought to M’Shoogy’s by a woman who said that I was standing on the side of the road and when she got out to see if I was okay, I jumped in the car. Of course I did; I’m no fool! I had been running around for some time and that got old really quick. By the time she found me I was thirsty, tired, and ready to be done with life on the streets. However, now that I’m rested and well fed, I get the urge to run again. In fact, they’re so worried about my tendency to escape they have decided I need to be placed in a home with a 6 foot privacy fence. It would be ideal if I was adopted by an active person or family to wear me out. I know there is a place for me out there somewhere. Is your place it?

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