
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born in 2011
About 15 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 10/2012

Hi, my name is Toto. If anyone needs to see the wizard, it’s me. I’ve had a very hard life and I could use some magic. You see, my owner was jailed and when a relative tried to place me at M’Shoogy’s and was told there was no room, they tied me to the post at the shelter and took off. It’s no wonder I have trust issues. You have to know that if you come see me I will bark and maybe even try to bite. However, the good news is that eventually I do learn to trust. The staff here who takes the time to get to know me can pick me up with no problem. I can be a good dog I just need someone who has patience and will give me the time to trust them. I promise the effort you put in will pay off. I’ll be your friend for life!

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