
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born in 2009
Border Collie Mix
About 50 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 11/2011

Hi, I知 Mandy. I致e been told I知 a very pretty girl. I know that痴 a good thing and hopefully it will serve me well as I try to stand out from the crowd. When I was on the streets running loose I made my way to a daycare center in Savannah. I heard that was the place to go, lots of little kids that would beg their mothers to take me home. My plan got a little derailed but I知 not giving up. I知 still waiting for that kid to beg his mother to take me home but now that kid will have to come to me. I知 on the small side so I would be a great family pet that would blend in beautifully. Come take a look and bring those kids!!

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