
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born 2009
English Setter Mix
About 60 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 1/2011

Hi, I’m Elly. I’m a friendly dog and quite intelligent if I do say so myself. I know commands like sit and shake. Thirsty for more knowledge I went to the middle school because I’d heard that’s where people go to learn. But, instead of ending up in class, I ended up at M’Shoogy’s. They thought that maybe I belonged to one of the kids but when everyone else went home but me, they called M’Shoogys. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to find a new place to further my education. How about with you? I’ll bet you can teach me all kinds of things like, how to fetch your paper, your flip-flops, and maybe even get you soap when you forgot and you’re in the middle of a shower. Who knows? The sky’s the limit!

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