
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born in 2005
About 18 pounds
Rat Terrier
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009

My name is Mimi. My roommates Foster (342), Tater (341) & I didn't know what the excitement was all about, but we knew something was happening. We watched as the boxes were packed and taken out to the moving truck. We got a pat on the head, then the door shut. There we sat in silence, thinking it must be a cruel joke. Surely they wouldn't move and not take us with them? Really??? That is exactly what happened. Thankfully a neighbor called M'Shoogy's to tell them what a predicament we were in. We are a bit overwhelmed by all of the changes in our lives recently, but we are making the best of a bad situation. I am a very sweet and friendly little lady. I'm not at all jumpy or yappy. I am looking for the next love of my life with whom I can rest my weary head upon their lap and let go of all of my worries.

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