
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 3/2009
Shepherd Mix
About 30 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009

My name is Guyith. I am a happy and playful guy that is in need of a home to call my own. I know my story is like so many other M'Shoogy's residents, I was abandoned and left to fend for myself. I am much more than just a statistic though. I am a loving and energetic young guy that would make a great companion. In the beginning I wanted nothing more than to feel safe and have something to eat. Now that I have that, I want nothing more than to get out of here and into a loving home. I’m a great find too! I’m housetrained, good with children, good on a leash and not a big barker. I don’t like being left alone so I need a home with another dog or with a stay at home parent. I'll tell you what; you give me a home of my own and show me how good life can really be. In return, I'll show you why adopting a shelter animal is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Sounds like a plan to me.

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