
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born Fall 2003
About 10 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009

My name is Sylvia. I am a beautiful long haired Dachshund with sad brown eyes. Sarina (dog 323) and I were found trembling in fear in the bushes at a park. After much persuasion, and some hotdogs too, we were coaxed out of hiding into the arms of a M'Shoogy's rescuer. I can't even begin to tell you how scary and confusing it was to have gone from the safety and security of a home to being dumped in the middle of nowhere with not a clue as to how to fend for ourselves. The world is a BIG place and even bigger when you are only a few inches tall! Sarina and I are two active middle aged gals with a lot of love to give. You could be the one to put the sparkle back in our sad brown eyes by giving us a loving home where we can remain together forever.

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