
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born in 2007
Basset Hound Mix
About 70 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009

My name is Trucker and you’ll never guess why. I was wandering along, minding my own business. The problem is I wandered into the wrong place, 1-35. I’ll bet you can guess now how I got my name. That’s right; I got hit by a truck – a semi to be exact. Luckily, the driver knew about M’Shoogys and brought me here so they could take care of me. I wasn’t too banged up and now I’m as good as new. You’d hardly tell my story started out so bad because I have a great attitude about life. Look at me; not a care in the world, except I don’t have a home. I’m ready to get adopted and be someone’s best buddy. Can you picture me relaxing with you? I sure can. Give me a chance, I won’t disappoint you!

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