
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born in 2005
Breed - Border Collie
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2007
About 55-60 Pounds

Just because my name is Nemo, please don’t mistake me for that FISH that is a movie star. Ever since that Disney movie came out, every Tom, Dog & Harry wants my pawtograph and I'm getting tired of it! I'm the lovable, friendly, happy dog that won't jump on you and is trying to find a nice person or family to live with. I was found running back and forth across the highway with my buddy Barbie (dog 285) so M’Shoogys is trying to find us a home together. I'm really smart, don't eat a whole lot of food and I don't require a fishbowl.

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