
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born in 2006
Australian Shepherd Mix
About 30 pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2008

Hi, I'm Kyle. Gee whiz did I have a close call. Let's just say that a speeding car and a dog don't mix well. Fortunately for me, it was more of a brush with a car and not a head on collision. I am doing great, except for the fact that I need a home. I am a handsome guy that is quite happy, friendly and very lovable. I am active and energetic, but not excessively so. Playing in the yard with the kids or going for walks would be fantastic. I would make a great family dog that would very much enjoy being a part of the family. The family could consist of one or several, it doesn't matter to me. There was a reason I survived that fateful day and you might just be it.

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