
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born in January 2009
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009
About 20 pounds
Pit Bull

Hi there, my name is Isaboo. I was given a happy fun name to go with my playful and friendly nature. My life didn't start off so happy though. My previous owners brought me to Angel's because I wasn't feeling well. Once I was all better, Angel's called my owner's, but they didn't want to pay for my medical care so they never came to get me. That would be enough to depress anyone, but not me. I am a glass half full kind of gal. I see this as an opportunity to find a loving home where I will be cherished for the wonderful dog that I am, never to be treated with such disregard again. Be a part of the pet over population solution by adopting....ME!

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