
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born in 2006
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2006
About 50 pounds
Boxer mix

I am a lean 50 pound Boxer mix. My owners said that I was a good dog. I do not understand this because they kept me in a kennel all day while they were at work and all night while they slept, about 18 hours a day. I need to play and be with people and other dogs. Once my owner put me in the back of his truck and I fell out and fractured my back, right leg. I get along well with people and I love other dogs. Some people told my owner that I needed a better home. I think so too. Can you give me that home? I'm currently being fostered so if you're interested please contact Joe at (816) 589-8023.

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