
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born in 2001
About 35 lbs.
Shepherd mix
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2004

Hi, my name is Emma. I am a gentle and quiet soul that is looking for a low key home to call my own. I have been at M'Shoogy's way too long. So long that I can't remember how I came to be here. It really doesn't matter though. I simply want to know the love and security of a true family and home. All of us here do, but especially the older kids. Seems to be that the young kids are the first to find homes. It's a little unfair if you ask me. Just because I've been around the block a few times doesn't mean I'm not ready to make a few more laps. Admittedly a little slower but that's not a bad thing. Do you have a place in your heart and home for older gal like me? I can promise you that it will be one of greatest feelings you've ever known knowing you made all of my dreams come true.

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