
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born in 2004
About 40 lbs.
Australian Shepherd mix
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2005

I am a 40 pound Australian Shepherd mix who was abused by my owner. I came to M'Shoogy's a pretty shy dog, but I am doing a lot better since I have been welcomed into a terrific foster home! My foster mom really brags about me! She says I get along well with other dogs, cats, and kids. I've learned to be people-friendly and affectionate, and I'm certainly not hyper or destructive. Sometimes I'm a little hesitant around men, but I'm getting better at accepting them. My foster family gets a kick out of watching me when they let me out into the big yard...I just run around in a big circle (top speed!) for a minute or two, then I'm done. It makes my foster family laugh! I sure would like to make you laugh...Are you my Destiny? I could be yours!

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