
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born in 2003
Beagle/Hound Mix
About 70 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2007

Hi, I’m Eli. As you can tell from my picture, I’m missing my left back leg. It was awful. I got my leg caught in a trap. I was there a long time before someone finally came to help me. My leg was too injured to save, so it had to be amputated. I know, I know. Usually my breed is the one hunting, but the tables were turned that fateful day. Despite all of that, I am a quiet and very friendly yet gentle guy. Admittedly a little shy at first, but it doesn’t take any time for me to warm up to people. I get around very well, so please don’t think my missing a leg is an impairment. It just makes me extra special. I have a lot of love to give and would make a great family dog. Are you that lucky someone?

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