
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Came to M'Shoogy's in 2007
About 20 pounds





Hi, I’m Sully. I’m a monster of a kitty, in size that is. I am quite a large fella as you can tell by my weight that they made me list. How rude! I’ve had nightmare of a time lately. I had a home at one time because I was already neutered and declawed when a farmer found me sitting on top of a fence post and called M’Shoogy’s to come and rescue me. Thank goodness, because I was terrified being out in the big world. I’ve waited a long time, but no one has come to claim me. I don’t understand why not and neither can the volunteers. They all tell me what a beautiful and affectionate cat I am. Until you come and take me home with you, my dreams will be filled with warm and fuzzy thoughts of a forever home.

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