
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born in 2015
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2/2022





My name is Sneed. I am an absolute LOVE BUG! I will take all the loving and petting I can get, but I'm not pushy or demanding about it. I am quiet and easy-going. I get along well with everyone. I was found homeless living on the streets. Street life is hard, but it hasn't hardened me in the least. I am FIV+ which is a common consequence of unaltered male cats living on the streets fighting one another to reproduce. Please don't let that scare you away. FIV+ cats can live long and healthy lives just like non positive cats. Ask our volunteers as some have FIV+ cats of their own. They will be happy to answer your questions. Come and meet me and I am sure to steal your heart with my incredibly loving spirit!

FIV positive cats can live a long and happy life. They can also live safely with FIV-negative cats. FIV is spread through severe bite wounds, so it is important that your kitties get along. Learn more by clicking here

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