
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born in 2014
Came to M'Shoogy's in 11/2021





My name is Onyx. When I was rescued, I was the epitome of a street cat. Homeless, scarred, wary, beat up and beat down. Life outdoors is extremely difficult. I am FIV+, but very healthy and strong. I am a big guy that can live a very long and healthy life just like any other cat. I tolerate my roommates, but like distance between us. I have discovered that I enjoy being pet and brushed, just in small increments of time. All my life I've had to be on guard 24/7, so this life of luxury and affection is all new to me but I'm open to all of it. I hope you will open your heart and your home to me so we can both enjoy the softer side of me.

FIV positive cats can live a long and happy life. They can also live safely with FIV-negative cats. FIV is spread through severe bite wounds, so it is important that your kitties get along. Learn more by clicking here

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