
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born in 2008
About 6 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009





Hello, I'm Tilly. I am a very sweet short haired calico with beautiful markings. I had heard that Wal-Mart was the gettin place, so I went to get me something to eat. I didn't know you had to actually pay for it. Thank goodness they called M'Shoogy's instead of the police. I could have gone to the pound for shoplifting. Here I get to eat as much as I want and I have a soft spot to sleep. Sure beats living on the streets, but I'm now looking for a permanent home. I am an affectionate and friendly girl that gets along well with other cats and people too. If you're looking for a companion, so am I. Come and get me so we can start our new life together.

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