
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born in 2006
Came to M'Shoogy's in 8/2016





My name is Kiki. Ava (cat470) and I were left in a carrier on the steps of Angel's vet clinic. I will never understand how someone could do that to us, but they did. Abandoned, scared and bewildered as to what in the world was happening. Everything I knew and loved were torn away from me in an instant. Not having any other choice than to accept my circumstances I have chosen to not let this experience harden me. I am a beautiful, healthy and very affectionate quiet lady that is in need of a warm comfy lap to snuggle in. Please don't let my age deter you. Cats can live to be 20+ so we can still have a very long time together. All that time for me to show you how grateful I am for adopting me and for you to love me and make my time at the shelter a distant memory. Ava and I are not a bonded pair and do not need to be adopted together.

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