
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Born in 7/2016
Came to M'Shoogy's in 8/2016





My name is Georgie. It was a pure stroke of luck that I find myself at M'Shoogy's. I was found homeless and wandering the streets by some nice people that were actually looking for their own missing cat. If it wasn't for them, it's hard telling what might have happened to me. For that I am thankful. I would be even more thankful to find a home of my own. I enjoy people and being pet and loved on. I have many roommates which I have learned to live with. I was overwhelmed in the beginning, but would do fine as an only cat or in a home with one or two others. I can't show you how thankful I am for adopting me if you never come to meet me. So let's get going, I'm waaaaiiiiting.

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