
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2012
Came to M'Shoogy's 7/2013





Hi, I知 Gilley. I知 a sweet boy that loves attention. I think you and I would make a great team because we need each other. Think about it; I need a home. And, what do you need from me? I could be lots of things to you. I could be your stress reliever. You can come home after a miserable day and I can sit on your lap and you could pet me. Doesn稚 that sound relaxing? I知 also a great listener. You can tell me all about your troubles and I値l pay close attention and I won稚 judge you or give you bad advice. I know you and I can be the best of friends. Once you meet me, you値l know it too!

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