
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born 2005
Came to M'Shoogy's 11/2012





This pretty lady is Betsy. She was found abandoned outside of our vet clinic along with a small dog. The dog has been adopted. She was certainly someone's loved one at one point. She was very friendly, declawed, and overweight when she arrived. Adjusting to life in a shelter with so many other cats has been difficult for her. She is doing better now but would be much happier in a home without so many roommates. She is not overly fond of other cats but would do fine in a home with another cat. Betsy isn't high maintenance at all. She wants nothing more than a lap to lay in and to be pet. That is as low maintenance as one can get. If you think you can meet her requirements, please come and meet her. She will be happy to see you.

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