
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2007
Came to M'Shoogy's 2008
About 8 pounds





Hi there, I’m Quincy. I have had a little bad luck lately. I was hit by a car that shattered one of by back legs. Thank goodness I was taken to Angel’s. They amputated my leg and now that I'm all healed up, I'm ready for to go to real home. You would never know I was missing a leg. I run and play with the other kitties without missing a beat. I am a very friendly young brown tabby that would make a wonderful addition to your family. I get along very well with the other cats but I really like to snuggle with my human friends. I will let you know how happy I am to sit on your lap or to be held by my loud purr. Come see for yourself how puuurfect I am.

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