
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (neutered)
Born 2006
Maine Coon Mix
Came to M'Shoogy's in 3/2011





Hi, I’m Chaz. If you can’t tell from my picture, I’m no wallflower. I like to get around and mix it up. I’m a very loving cat. I want to be with people. Due to the fact that I’m FIV and FeLV positive I need to be in a home with no other cats, or with cats that are also FIV and FeLV positive. However, due to my health status, all of my vet care will be provided free of charge at Angel's Vet Express. I am currently healthy and can live a long life. Cats like me don’t usually get a 2nd look. I hope you’re different. I hope you could see my heart instead of my label.

FIV positive cats can live a long and happy life. Learn more by clicking here

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