
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Male (Neutered)
Born 2008
Maine Coon Mix
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009
About 8 pounds





Hi, I'm Tobin. Things were pretty rocky for me there in the beginning of my life. I was just a little guy when I was found injured at a local truck stop. After some medical care and much needed TLC, my injuries healed without a trace. Seeing me today, you would never know what a rough start I had. I am a little on the shy side so I would be most comfortable in a calm environment. I am a quiet observer that enjoys hanging out in a high spot with a good view. That way I can keep a close eye on you and our home. You would have the security of knowing I am always looking out for you. You may not see a lot of me, but when I come down from my perch I will be sure to remind you how just how much I love you and how grateful I am you took me in.

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