
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (Spayed)
Born 2007
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2007
About 4 pounds





Hi, I知 Chloe. I知 a beautiful short haired calico that was found one morning in a box at the front gate with my mom and siblings. We池e actually pretty lucky that we were left here. It痴 scary to think what could have happened to us out on the streets, but that痴 the past and I知 not going to dwell on it. I知 looking forward to a home of my very own. I知 a little on the quiet side, so as the others race for your attention I will simply wait my turn. I知 just a little well mannered than some of the others. I do love to be held and cuddled and I get along very well with all the other cats. While I await my forever home I will do my best to teach the rest of the kittens how to be patient and wait their turn. I know I have my work cut out for me, but I値l keep working on it.

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