
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (Spayed)
Born 2006
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2007
About 8 pounds





This is Gabby. She is a beautiful gray and black long haired tabby. She is a quiet girl that gets along well with other cats and loves attention. She is undemanding and easily gets overlooked due to all of the kittens she’s with. She is quite loving and will follow you around waiting for her turn to be petted. She was extremely thin when she arrived. Wherever she had been she had struggled to find enough to eat. She has put on some much needed weight and is doing very well. You would never know what a rough past she had by looking at her. She’s sweet and loving and is looking forward to a wonderful forever home; a home where she never has to worry again about having enough to eat.

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