
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born in 2008
About 7 pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2009





Hi, my name is Vivian. I am a gorgeous gray tabby with super soft fur and a huge long and fluffy tail. I am a happy go lucky kitty that just has a love for life. I enjoy being with people as much as I enjoy being with other cats. I love to snuggle and be pet yet I am also self entertaining. When you come to visit it's hard telling what I'll be up to. I could be standing watching the door to see who's coming because I would hate to miss an opportunity to be pet, or sprinting past you hot on the trail of a cat toy. Either way I will see you and come to check you out. You do the same...come check me out.

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