
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born in 2006
Maine Coon Mix
About 10 pounds





My name is Adrianne. I am a lovely long haired tabby that is easily overlooked. I am quite and undemanding so it is easy for me to be missed. I usually have myself tucked away on a shelf so as to not get in anyone's way. You have to come looking for me, but I'll make it worth your effort. Once you find me you will see that I am very sweet and enjoy being pet and loved on. The shelter environment is a stressful place to be. It's very likely that once I am in loving home with lots of love and less stress I will come out of my shell and be a bit more social. I would do best in a quiet home with or without other cats. If you think I'm the one for you, please come and find me. We'll work out the details.

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