
M'Shoogy's Famous Emergency Animal Rescue


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Female (spayed)
Born in 2008
About 5 Pounds
Came to M'Shoogy's in 2008





Hi, I'm Annabelle. I am one of many kittens that came into Angel's Vet Express this summer. I was too small to make it on my own at the time. So, they took me in and gave me lots of TLC and time to grow a bit bigger. I'm now ready for a permanent home of my own. My goodness there are a lot of cats here at M'Shoogy's. I had no idea there were so many of us in need of a loving home. It's a good thing I am such a pretty kitty because it's hard to stand out in such a crowd of wonderful and beautiful cats. There is every color, size and personality you can imagine. Come for a visit, you are sure to find the kitty of your dreams. I just hope that kitty is me.

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